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  • Writer's pictureCristal Jackman

The Path of MORE Resistance

It’s our human nature to want to take the path of least resistance. It’s easier to predict the outcome as we feel more in control and it’s often less stressful. On a hike for instance, the safest, smoothest path looks more enticing. On the road trying to reach a destination by a certain time, short cuts and less traffic are the safest bet. In a work setting, finding a compromise that works for both parties is preferably the best option to close an account with a client.

But in some circumstances, it’s good to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone. Deciding NOT to choose the path of least resistance often forces us to achieve goals we otherwise would have thought were insurmountable. It activates risk taking, courage and faith as it often limits the amount of control we have in an outcome. It increases uncertainty and a lot of ‘What if this happens?’. By choosing more challenging options, we push ourselves beyond limits that we sometimes set for ourselves which don’t really exist. How do we know that we can’t achieve something unless we try? All of us aren’t huge risk takers but we have the potential to push pass some of the limits we set for ourselves.


Think of one thing you are holding yourself back from achieving. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the greatest risk, where do you rank yourself with your willingness to take risks with this task? What are 2 things that you can work on to take ‘a path of MORE resistance’? Ensure that the 2 things are SMART – Specific | Measurable | Achievable | Relevant | Time-Bound.

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